Winter drags on, but Spring will be upon us soon! Here’s what we’re doing to get in the mood for warmer days and new beginnings.
Play Wingspan
Wingspan screams Spring, and it’s one of the most delightful games in my personal collection. In this game by Elizabeth Hargrave, your goal is to foster life. You introduce birds to their appropriate habitats, ensure they gather enough food and resources, and lay as many eggs as possible.
Ornothologists will love the attention to detail, with artwork by Natalia Rojas, Ana Maria Martinez Jaramillo, and Beth Sabel.

Make a sticker mosaic
I’m a long-time lover of stickers, but I never want to commit to a placement. I’ve only recently embraced the idea of a sticker journal, where I can come back and admire the stickers again and again. I’ve actually begun doing this on the unused backsides of my “sticker by numbers” pages. Like paint by numbers, you fill in existing designs with numbered stickers. These mosaics have given me a peaceful and enjoyable evening activity that doesn’t take much brain power but does challenge my dexterity.

Organize your games
Get a head start on your spring cleaning by clearing out that game cabinet. See if any games are missing their pieces and order replacements, donate old favorites that you don’t use anymore, making room for new additions! And best of all, this is a great way to rediscover the games that you’ve overlooked because they were tucked in the back. After you’re done tidying up, reward yourself with a game night and play all the games you haven’t touched in a while.

Start an indoor garden
I recently received a bonsai garden kit that I can start in my living room, which will pair nicely with the Lego cherry blossoms I assembled a couple of months ago. There are mini garden kits for all kinds of things, from salsa starters (with tomatoes and peppers) to floral spectacles. Depending on your selection, you may have to move your plant babies to a more permanent outdoor space, but indoor gardens can give you great starting point.

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